If you have any questions or comments please call or send us an email:
Before contacting us please consider this.
This breed is not for everyone. They require a lot of obedience
training, attention, a strong pack leader and exercise. They require an owner who is prepared to have the most obedient
dog on the block. They require their owner to be the most patient, educated and respectful dog owner in their town.
Owners of this breed must constantly prove the stereotypes of this breed wrong and that is a hard road to take for some people
but this is what's needed to preserve this wonderful breed. If we fail to do all this we will see the extinction
of the APBT in our lifetime. Bad owners are only part of the problem we are facing, bad breeders are another.
Bad owners does not only apply to those who mistreat their dogs but in our eyes it also applies to those who
neglect training, socialization, proper housing and those who do not strive to educate themselves and others to the fullest.
Failure to do this is detrimental to this amazing breed. You see we have a fight on our hands which affects
all breeds and all countries in the world. How do you fight? You follow these guidelines, be the best owner
you can be, you donate to groups who fight BSL for us, you write letters to your politicians, and you never let down
this breed by being irresponsible and you never quit (cause you know your dog would never quit on you).
And now for the breeders...there are many people who call themselves
breeders but are nothing more than back-yard puppy peddlers. They will sell to anyone who has cash in hand and have
no regard to proper conformation or health or temperament. These breeders who often specialize in "bully
style" bigger the better dogs, have no idea that form equals function. What does this mean?
Well these dogs were bred to work and how can they efficiently work when there body is so out of proportion that they
can not even climb on the couch. When you take away proper form you are changing the breed which is why we don't consider
"bully style" an American Pit Bull Terrier at all, not to mention many of them came from mastiff/bulldog mixing I'm
sure. This is why good breeders show their dogs and compete in events, to ensure that their dogs are worthy of being
bred and worthy of continuing blood lines that were created from such hard work and dedication from the old-timers long ago.
Health testing is another issue. These bad breeders don't understand the importance of this because they don't care
what they sell and they are too ignorant to realize that they are breeding dogs that will be so unhealthy, unable to walk
from hip displasia, unable to be what they were made to be and will most definately die young. They do not
have organs big enough to support such a large frame and their bodies struggle to keep themselves alive. This is
cruel, but they don't have the knowlege or the heart to understand this. But that doesn't matter to them
because they don't have contracts to even protect the buyer, and how could they guarantee anything anyway. They have
no regard for the breed only their pocket book and image. As long as they keep having puppies and boasting their large
size to wannabe tough guy buyers, this trend will only get worse. There are a few bully kennels that are an exception
to this, but not many. Just because you put two pedigrees together does not make you a breeder. Don't buy
from these breeders, they are ruining our beloved breed one puppy at a time. Talk people out of buying from them and
confront these breeders on their shotty practices, maybe you can make one more bully breeder extinct and help preserve the
proper APBT. Breed standards are written with purpose, because form equals function and this equates to keeping a perfect
breed the way it has been for many years. And as far as the American Bully Registry, it is a joke! These breeders
are trying to justify that they are breeding good dogs by getting trophies at their shows which will never hold any merrit
in the world of the American Pit Bull Terrier. In my eyes there are two styles of the APBT, the UKC and the ADBA style
and that is it! (American Staffordshire Terriers are a different breed derived from the APBT when the AKC and CKC
allowed the APBT's to be registered with them under a new name in 1936.) Their working ability and drive has
been bred out of them for the most part and I don't consider them to be an APBT even though some are registered in
the UKC as such. The UKC style is a bit bigger and not as leaned out as the ADBA style, however both are equally
as great they just took different routes in their bloodline development. If John Colby, Earl Tudor, Bert Clouse,
Bob Wallace, Ed Crenshaw etc. could see what these people are doing to our breed they would be sickened that their
hard work has been so disregarded and ashamed of how sloppy and unable these dogs are but especially amazed of how in such
a short time the true APBT has almost disappeared thanks to these ignorant breeders. I guess it is a reflection
of our world these days, where greed, laziness, lack of ethics and lack of respect prevails. So now you see
the true damage these breeders and owners are causing, and you know what you need to do to protect and preserve the
best breed on earth.
A quote by Gandhi says it all:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral
progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"
